Henna Poem
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I found this beautiful poem dedicated to henna and just had to share it with you. I think I will have to start a page dedicated to henna and beauty. any one who has a lovely poem they would like to share please send it in to me and I will start a collection.
A KOKILA called from a henna-spray:
Lira! liree! Lira! liree!
Hasten, maidens, hasten away
To gather the leaves of the henna-tree.
Send your pitchers afloat on the tide,
Gather the leaves ere the dawn be old,
Grind them in mortars of amber and gold,
The fresh green leaves of the henna-tree.
A kokila called from a henna-spray:
Lira! liree! Lira! liree!
Hasten maidens, hasten away
To gather the leaves of the henna-tree.
The tilka's red for the brow of a bride,
And betel-nut's red for lips that are sweet;
But, for lily-like fingers and feet,
The red, the red of the henna-tree.
Sarojini Naidu
If you have a poem you would like to share please submit here