Payment Process
Be assured of safe and secure shopping at Henna Herbals
We accept Paypal, Google and Cheques/Postal Orders
Payment through Paypal & Google Checkout are 100% safe.
At no point do we see your card details
Choosing paypal as your method of payment you will be required to fill in your address details before proceeding to the paypal website
Once you are redirected to the Paypal website you will be given the option of paying by credit card or through your paypal account if you have one. You DO NOT have to have a paypal account if you choose to pay by credit card.
Paypal accepts :
American Express
PayPal Credit Card
PayPal Top Up Card
If you choose to pay with Google you will be required to sign in with your Google checkout username & password. If you don't have an account with Google this will be the one and only time that you will have to enter in your details to create one, this is fast & easy.
Cheques and postal orders are welcome. If you prefer this method of payment you will receive an email confirmation.
Please make cheques/postal orders to S Moazzeni
Please post cheques to
Mrs S Moazzeni
11 Elms Close
CB22 4RD
All orders are in £ sterling excl postage charges
Click here for Postal Charges
Orders will be posted out once confirmation of payment received from Google or Paypal or once cheque has cleared.
We aim to post orders within 48 hours. If there are any problems or an 'out of stock' situation has occured, an email will be sent to you.